Put an end to it — to start afresh.

Aryan Khazin
4 min readFeb 15, 2023
Photo by Inside Weather on Unsplash

Where you at? I mean where you at in your life? I thought you wanted to be a musician, maybe a writer, a doctor, an engineer, or perhaps an artist. But I see you going in a different direction, aimless, with no vision whatsoever — Just breathing through day by day. So let me ask you again. Where you at in life?

I’m perplexed as to why we don’t stay through on our promises and desires. Some of us don’t even have any aspirations or a plan, and some of us have a Plan A, B, C. Perhaps, they are aware that their plan “A” won’t pan out and so on. Why we don’t give a care in the world to waste time, but for money? Is it because of our inability to determine how much time is left?

So can we put a full stop to start afresh — a new beginning. And stick to what we say? Why is it so hard to stick to what we say? Will we perish, if we do so? I dare to try, no matter how many times I may relapse.

I’ve been thinking about writing a book for years, but I’m putting it off. Why don’t I write if I want to, and what’s holding me back, are questions I ask myself frequently. I too consider giving up on the idea of writing from time to time. However, I soon come to the realization that it is the only thing driving me to survive every day. However, when I sit down to write, I usually seem to get bogged down in one thing or another. I tell myself that writing requires creativity, and that in order to be creative, you must be at peace.

Years have gone, but I’m still looking for peace; I dream of the day when I won’t have any worries, but peace of mind. But then, when I look back there’s no such day but the day I die — I suppose. So now is the time to live your life than merely existing. Sometimes we need to push ourselves because no one is going to do so, and nobody cares whether we make it or break it. Period!

I’m convinced that most of us are aware of what must be done in order to achieve our goals, but we refuse to act. The procrastinator that lives inside of us is the cause of it. A lazy ass, that’s all. Why do we put things off so much that we know we’ll regret it soon and feel guilty about it so much that we will sink into despair. Yet, never do anything to prevent it. We will put off studying until the exam is a few weeks or days away because we know it will be coming up soon. And regret missing the paper or performing poorly on it, but we continue our daily mundane, unhealthy routine, which will not only sabotage our career but personal life too. And that specific corner also refers to a “Comfort Zone”.

I think we only do things which is necessary like how breathing in necessity. To be more precise we do not do things which we do not need. Sometimes we build our character in our heads to feel better about ourselves, but in reality, we are not doing anything constructive with it, thus we procrastinate.

I would have completed my book by now if I had a sincere desire to write one. Though I haven’t. I keep telling myself I’ll finish it someday, but that day just never comes. Since I haven’t established a deadline and my life doesn’t depend on it, I keep putting off doing what needs to be done. Why don’t we put off going to bed or eating? Because we must. It is necessary. It is vital to our survival. We do not pause to consider it. We just naturally do it.

So, if you’ve to put off things frequently and at the same time you have a guilt, don’t. Don’t feel that way anymore, rather take a closer look, and ask yourself. Is that your need or want? If it’s a want, then you may not be successful in it. Nevertheless, if it’s your need, then try to analyze that how bad you want it? If it’s as bad as you want to breathe then you’ll be already doing it. If not, then I’d suggest you not to fool yourself anymore.

The reason why we find ourselves procrastinating is the lack of motivation to get things done immediately, that are important to us. If whatever the character that we have built inside our heads not driving us to take the action persistently, then we are being deluded.

To me, a writer must write. A fighter must fight. A teacher must teach. A musician must make music. A dancer must dance. These are not wants but a “must”, an identity. These are not things we have to think, we just do what we must do. And you don’t need anyone to push yourself if you know what you must do. I know it’s not easy, but it’s not hard either. It should be as natural as breathing. If you want to do something, do it. If you’ve to put things off again and again, then it’s not really your passion. It’s not a need. It’s a want. Maybe you’ve built a character in your head that you need to be something, but it’s not really you. It’s just a mask you’ve created to fit your image of yourself.

Procrastination is the habit of putting things off until the last minute. It’s something we all do, but if we want to succeed at something we should learn how to overcome by analyzing whether is that our “want or need”. If you still battle yourself as a procrastinator, then put an end to it — to start afresh.



Aryan Khazin

"I help individuals and businesses communicate effectively for success. Author of 'Are We Living Together, Or Dying Together?' #Communication #Author #Selfhelp"