“Loneliness — the biggest Cancer in the world.”

Aryan Khazin
4 min readJun 30, 2023
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

In my personal experience, I have come to understand that loneliness is more than just a feeling of isolation. It can be likened to a slow death, gradually diminishing one’s spirit and vitality. Regardless of how strong or seemingly happy someone may appear on the outside, the burden of loneliness can turn them into mere shells of their former selves. I have personally experienced this prolonged state of loneliness, where I seemed to be functioning well and bringing joy to others, yet inside, I was trapped under the weight of dark and endless clouds. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit that I was able to excel at work, solving problems and engaging with enthusiasm, despite the ongoing battle I faced within myself.

In my heart of hearts, I always tend to help people be it in their personal or career life, even to this day. Because somehow, I have got the thing to do so. And I firmly believe that that’s my purpose in life, to serve people. Thus, I have decided to start a blog writing about Self-help, Personal development, Mental health, and Self-care purely based on my personal events and experiences. If you’re reading this and find helpful by any means, I request you to leave an impression by leaving a comment, like and by subscribing to my forthcoming newsletter. Such gestures kindle the fires of my creativity and drive me to reach out to a multitude of souls. In advance, I extend my deepest gratitude to every one of you.

But let us now delve into the enigma that is loneliness. I always wonder why people get into a realm called “Loneliness”! Common reasons, one might suppose, range from financial strife to shattered hearts, the loss of loved ones, or the bitter taste of failure. Indeed, these factors may contribute to the depths of one’s despair. If so, I promise you can come over with that emotion or experience. And in some cases, you can fix it and perhaps, in most cases you cannot. Because that’s how the life is — Unfair and brutal!

Yet, what about those who seem to have it all — wealth, fame, success — yet struggle with addiction, alcohol consumption, and dependence on anti-depressants? They battle with sleeplessness and carry a heavy burden in their hearts. When asked the simple question “How are you?” their response remains the same: “I’m fine.” But deep down, they know they are far from it. Amidst the chaos raging within their chests and the storms brewing in their minds, they continue to present themselves confidently, speak kindly, and maintain an outward appearance of being “fine.” Even celebrities and business tycoons, with all their material abundance, can find themselves trapped in the depths of loneliness and despair, each in their own peculiar way.

Now, let us not confuse loneliness with mere solitude. They are two distinct entities, dancing a delicate tango of emotions. Loneliness, my friends, strikes unrelenting blows without warning or reason. It engulfs your being, leaving you adrift in a sea of faces, aching for connection amidst a crowd of strangers. Solitude, on the other hand, is a temporary respite, an opportunity to revel in the company of one’s own thoughts. If you find solace in solitude, you possess a strength that few can comprehend. But mark my words, my dear readers, anyone can fake laughter and camaraderie within a group, their smiles as hollow as an empty vessel. Learn to embrace your own company, for in the darkest hours, when the world seems to crumble, you may find yourself surrounded by only a select few who truly care.

In my opinion and real time experience loneliness is a feeling of not “Being enough”. In other words, not living your life to the fullest potential. You may be a rockstar, singer, Actor or some sort of celebrity in your life or could be the important person or performer to your firm/employer. Yet, you may feel lonely because of missing something, someone, or you can do more than what you are but, you feel stuck in life. That is all it is. So, find your cancer in you and eliminate it before it kills you. Don’t be that walking corpse who runs to work and do just fine to get by. Live a mindful life and don’t label yourself that you’re diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, Bipolar disorder, and whatnot! Don’t let someone tell you what you can and can’t do. You must know who you’re and who you’re not.

Life is beautiful, just go out and find your purpose and a reason to wake up without any alarm and do things mindfully than just being on an auto pilot mode. Take your steering in your own hands and drive to your destination. You may have to take multiple stops for zillion reasons could be going through separation, divorce, unemployment, loveless life, without any family or loved ones or any means of support but you don’t give your steering wheel of your life to anyone. Don’t bother who’s ahead of you, beside you or behind you. You drive to your destination and let them drive to theirs. Stay calm and strong because they’re going to be lots of hiccups, ups and downs, muddy and difficult roads. You may lose few things or everything but no matter what “Don’t lose yourself”.



Aryan Khazin

"I help individuals and businesses communicate effectively for success. Author of 'Are We Living Together, Or Dying Together?' #Communication #Author #Selfhelp"