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From Health Comes Wealth

Aryan Khazin


Most of us think it otherwise (from wealth comes health). We think if we only have enough money to buy proteins, to go to plush gyms, wear expensive shoes or sportswear. And whatnot! But all we need is a “Healthy Mindset.” That’s all it takes to achieve anything you want in life.

But most importantly you should believe in yourself that you’re capable of achieving your goals. Despite, your friends, family or loved ones believe in you or not.

Now coming back to a “Healthy Mindset.” It can be only achieved when you learn how to remain calm and composed in adverse or stressful situations. It took me a lifetime to discover that being worried is not going to help you with the things you can’t control. But it will only worsen the situation.

In today’s world of advanced science and technology where we can live without people (family & friends) but not without the internet. We cannot get through a day without our devices/screens. We sit all day long scrolling (Social Media) Instagram reels and feeds even knowing it’s manipulated. We mindlessly check our phone anytime and every time, even in the restroom we look through for social media updates constantly!

What we don’t understand that it’s draining our energy. To be precise, it’s affecting our Mental Health severely. The more we go on Social Media the less we love ourselves because we sink into thoughts of Inadequacy about our life or appearance.

I’m not an anti-technology or anti-social media people. If truth be told, I met my wife online. I’ve met some of my best friends online. Nowadays our career is entirely depending online and related to technological advancements. And I get the value of it, but my point is most of us have glued to our phones and living in a digital world than the real one.

Couples out to dinner pull out their smartphones browse unnecessarily, instead of talking to the person they’re out with. They check their phones repeatedly throughout the meal. People crossing busy streets, at the gym, while waiting for the green light they constantly check their phones instead of their surroundings.

Our pervasive use of cell phone is creating room for negative thoughts, hopelessness, despair, and low motivation and self-esteem. Multiple studies show that It can trigger depression too.

I know there are zillions of good habits list on the internet to improve this and that, but you have to pick what works for you. I have mentioned a few what has worked for me and I’m continuing to do so. I relapse every other week or month like every other human being, but we need to pick it up as it requires.

Modify Social Media use to improve your Mental Health and Lifestyle.

1. Reduce Time online — Set a particular time to browse the internet or for social media instead of checking mindlessly and constantly. Don’t be on your phone unreasonably when you’re with your spouse or family. It’ll not help you build your relationship or bonding but otherwise. Give time and importance to them and discuss: How did your day go or ask how are they doing at their Work/School. Anything! but glued to your smartphones can make them less important or alone in the relationship. Particularly, in your marriage, it has to take priority over every other connection with every other human being to love and be loved.

2. Change your Focus: If you just tell yourself to focus on something else, that doesn’t work. Instead, ask questions like: What do I want from my life? Am I happy with my life? If not, Why? How can I make the most of this situation? Set your goals with a timeframe and keep a track of them every day.

3. Spend more time with offline Friends: Reconnect or visit your old friend than having hundreds of friends online that you don’t connect with. Having one or few real friends is more meaningful than having thousands on Social Media. Drop your screen time to the bare minimum. Sure, you’ll free up hours per day, but that means nothing if you’re not going to fill those up with worthwhile experiences with your family and friends.

4. Get to Know yourself: You’d only know by having a clear vision about yourself and your life. Else, you will fall for anything and everything. Spending time alone will help you to understand yourself. It’s by no means you sitting at home with your play station or visiting a zillion of apps on your phone. What I mean is that giving at least 30 minutes a day to yourself to know who you are than just doing something which you don’t meant for. It will also help to improve your Mental health.

5. Listen to a Podcast — By doing that you can keep yourself motivated. About motivation, it always comes and goes from time to time. But if you make a habit of listening to a podcast regularly it can change your behaviour and approach towards your life — for the better. You can pick audiobooks, stories or self-help in your line of interest and enjoy listening during your commute to work or otherwise.

6. Develop a consistent Morning Routine: We all know that the key to having a productive day is to go to bed earlier in the night and wake up early in the morning. Still, we fail to do so and the reason behind this is because we don’t have a concrete plan for the next day or to-do list. Even if you do, and struggling with consistency. It means either you’re disinterested or lack motivation. If so, I’d suggest you revisit your to-do list and put the things on your list which matters to you and happy.

7. Develop a consistent Bedtime Routine: Bedtime routine plays an important role in reducing late-night stress and anxiety. If we don’t have one it will give us the kind of worrisome thoughts that keep us up at night which cause our Mental health.

First, decide on your bed- and wake-up times, whether it’s weekends or weekdays keep the same schedule, and stick to it every day. Leave the electronics alone. Instead, read a book for 30 minutes or so, it helps you to fall asleep. And make sure that you have a light snack/meal for dinner. And once you hit the pillow try not to think, try relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercise or progressive muscle relaxation.

The right mindset can change everything and it’s not about making one big gesture in life, but it comes down to the small things you do every day.

I understand that no one has all the time in the world to think about self-improvement and personal development but believe me it’s the only thing in the world that can change your life for good. Good physical and mental health may determine your wealth.

As various studies have shown that people in good health can make more money and work more productively. Many of the things that you do to improve your health can help you live a more frugal lifestyle.



Aryan Khazin

"I help individuals and businesses communicate effectively for success. Author of 'Are We Living Together, Or Dying Together?' #Communication #Author #Selfhelp"